We're doomed we're saved - The Biorevolution Podcast  

We're doomed we're saved - The Biorevolution Podcast

Author: Louise von Stechow

The Biorevolution Podcast with Andreas Horchler and Louise von Stechow father and daughter, journalist and biologist, talking about the technologies of the biorevolution. Can genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and artificial intelligence save humanity from disease, climate change, and overpopulation, or are these technologies the first step towards its downfall? Content and Editing: Louise von Stechow and Andreas Horchler Disclaimer: Louise von Stechow, Andreas Horchler and their guests express their personal opinions, which are founded on research on the respective topics but do not claim to give medical, investment, or life advice in the podcast. Learn more about the future of biotech in our podcasts and keynotes. Contact us here: scientific communication: Podcasts: Image: Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash
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Language: en

Genres: Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Science

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The biorevolution podcast #32
Sunday, 2 March, 2025

This time on the BioRevolution podcast: science itself. While recent surveys show persistently high trust in science worldwide, certain scientific topics have become the subject of intense societal and political debate. This politicization of science puts scientists in a difficult position when they are trying to argue based on facts. The value of facts and evidence-based science seems to be increasingly questioned by those in power and by those in control of assets. If those who make laws and regulate science don’t see evidence and consensus as reliable resources anymore, what will become of progress in biomedicine, which feeds innovation in biotech, pharma, and medicine? Disclaimer: Louise von Stechow & Andreas Horchler and their guests express their personal opinions, which are founded on research on the respective topics, but do not claim to give medical, investment or even life advice in the podcast. Learn more about the future of biotech in our podcasts and keynotes. Contact us here: scientific communication: Podcasts: Keynotes: Image: via Photoshop AI. Further reading:


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