Caffeinated Risk  

Caffeinated Risk

Author: McCreight & Leece

The monthly podcast for security professionals, by security professionals.Two self proclaimed grumpy security professionals talk security risk, how theyve managed it in the past and forward looking discussions with guests working in information security and risk management.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Management, Technology

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Addressing Risk and Cyber Resilience, the Alberta Approach - with Rachel Hayward
Episode 2
Wednesday, 19 February, 2025

A surprising number of digital innovations began in Alberta, be it the world's first public digital cellular network in 1985, the DNP3 industrial controls protocol and  becoming the first Google international research lab in 2017.  CyberAlberta is another innovative collaboration focused on strengthening the cyber resilience of Alberta organizations.  At almost 330 billion annually, protecting the Alberta economy and it's citizens from digital attacks is an important mission.  In a very candid conversation, Rachel Hayward, Executive Director of CyberAlberta shares both successes and challenges observed with cyber workforces and organizational readiness. Her previous tenure with the Alberta Privacy commissioner adds some additional nuance in these times of ever greater tests of personal rights.   


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