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Author: Castor Sung Castor Sung Please sponsor me, thank you Follow me and listen to my music on Spotify, Apple music and KKBOX. Search ArtistCastor Sung Spotify, Apple Music, KKBOXCastor Sung I hope you enjoy learning Chinese with me. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Lesson 28:Chinese Poetry ZHANG Jiuling – Thoughts IV of IV 第二十八課:唐詩三百首 張九齡 感遇四首其四
Tuesday, 9 March, 2021

請贊助我,謝謝: Castor Sung的部落格: Please sponsor me, thank you: Translated by Betty Tseng 曾培慈翻譯 江南有丹橘, 經冬猶綠林; 豈伊地氣暖? 自有歲寒心。 可以荐ㄐㄧㄢˋ嘉客, 奈何阻重深? 運命惟所遇, 循環不可尋。 徒言樹桃李, 此木豈無陰? South of the Yangtze, there grows a variety of red mandarins. Whose trees all winter long flourish green, Is it because of the warmer climes? But rather it is the cores of such mandarins that withstand the freeze. Such mandarins are befitting offerings to esteemed guests, Yet the distance keeps them from markets reach. One abides by circumstances for such is fate, Nature ravels not even to seekers who are keen. Yet the worldly only cared to peach and plum trees cultivate, Don’t these red mandarins trees provide also shade and foliage of green? Please Search Artist:Castor Sung on Spotify, Apple Music or KKBOX to follow me and listen to my latest EP Get Over It. Thank You 請在Spotify, Apple Music, 或是KKBOX上關注我,聆聽我的最新迷你專輯Get Over It. 搜尋藝人:Castor Sung, 謝謝你們的支持。 Mandarin柑橘 Climes氣候宜人的地區 Befit 適合於 Offering 貢獻,供奉 Esteem 尊重 珍重 Ravel 糾結 Keen熱切的,渴望的 Cultivate耕作 Foliage 葉子 Powered by Firstory Hosting


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