What's Your 9 to 5?  

What's Your 9 to 5?

Author: Launch Pad

Have you ever wondered what your dream 9-5 job is like? This podcast highlights young people and their jobs in Grey Bruce counties located in rural Ontario. Listen and explore the career opportunities in this rural region and how to get connected.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers, Non-Profit

Contact email: Get it

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Making Good Choices For Your Future Self
Episode 18
Thursday, 27 April, 2023

2 episodes in 1 week? Let's go! Today Jorja speaks with Carl who is a domestic missionary and is based in the Grey Bruce area. He is a key member to running 'The Deck' a youth drop in centre in Hanover and he works under the 'Youth Unlimited/YFC' organization. Carl speaks about how his passion working with young people and shares stories that highlights his career!Instagram: whats_your_9to5


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