Quantum Physics for Kids  

Quantum Physics for Kids

Author: Subatomic Tanvi

Tanvi Gopalan is a 11 year old member of American Mensa who loves Quantum Physics. She teaches all about quantum physics in a fun and simple way. Quantum physics is the study of the smallest things in the universe, and it's one of the most fascinating and important branches of science. But it can also be very confusing, especially for kids. In this podcast, Tanvi explains complex concepts like entanglement, superposition, uncertainty principle and a lot more, in a way that anyone can understand. So whether you're a kid, a parent, or just someone curious about quantum physics, subscribe NOW!
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Language: en

Genres: Physics, Science

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Quantum's Wildest Interpretations Explained - A Journey Through Multiple Realities
Episode 27
Saturday, 15 March, 2025

Dive into the bewildering world of quantum physics with Subatomic Tanvi as we unravel the most mind-bending interpretations of quantum theory. From the classic Copenhagen Interpretation, where particles exist in a fuzzy superposition until observed, to the multiverse-expanding Many Worlds Interpretation, suggesting every quantum possibility spawns a new universe, and finally, the deterministic deBroglie-Bohm pilot-wave theory, we explore the core concepts and the scientific debates surrounding each. Join us for a journey through multiple realities and the very fabric of existence, as we tackle the measurement problem, hidden variables, and the search for empirical evidence in this fascinating exploration of quantum's wildest ideas.


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