Shatterbelt PodcastAuthor: Shatterbelt Podcast
Shatterbelt Podcast aims to bring in a wide range of topics to the listeners. The impetus is to build bridges and enrich public discourses. The podcast won't discriminate on the basis of gender, caste, religion and other distinctions. Expertise is the key to progress. Language: en Genres: Science, Social Sciences Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Hello!! Welcome to the Shatterbelt Podcast
Thursday, 19 August, 2021
Confused as to what shatter belt means? It is a concept in geopolitics where strategically positioned areas are characterised by a greater inclination of internal division from which they arise conflicts and at the same time are strategically important for the great powers. In simple words - just visualise the Middle East going boom boom internally as well as further exploited by bigger countries in the name of competition. Thats a whole load of mess to deal with. Why this word? - Look at it from the perspective of your personal lives where you get a chance to discuss, debate, agree and disagree and further shaped by people who know their fields better