Naked Science Scrapbook  

Naked Science Scrapbook

Drawing out the facts - The Naked Science Scrapbook

Author: Sarah Castor-Perry, The Naked Scientists

Drawing out the facts, the Naked Science Scrapbook brings a visual dimension to the world's most mysterious science.
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Language: en

Genres: Natural Sciences, Science, Technology

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Where Does the Solar System End? - Science Scrapbook 13.11.12
Monday, 11 November, 2013

Launched in 1977 to study the Solar system's gas giant planets, Voyager 1 is still operating. But now it's so far away that the Solar wind has weakened and a deluge of cosmic particles from intergalactic space is assailing it. Now interstellar space awaits. But where does the Solar system end and this new frontier begin?


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