Mental Theorycrafting by Shaun  

Mental Theorycrafting by Shaun

Author: Mental Theorycrafting

Hey Listener - Thank you for existing and checking out this podcast. My first experience and memory was flying into my body. For the longest time, I had no idea what this was - but it propelled one prime mission in Life; to figure out Who Am I, really? Have many of you felt that way? We all come in our own life experience, conditioning, stories, and truth. Here, I share mine. Without labeling, I fill many "roles" and have been through severe abuse and trauma in my life. I share my experiences to help others, break stigma, and rebuild humanity. Write us @!
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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0008 - Poetry Reading: Blessings of Sounds
Episode 8
Thursday, 17 August, 2023

Welcome to the first episode of Poems. This will be a seperate segment unrelated to the main series of topics or discussions. As a creator, artist, and person who wishes to share his vision, creativity and wisdom with the world - I have dedicated a significant portion of my life to a commitment towards the study of the spiritual, as well as cultivating more of that essence into my daily life. This is not the first poem I have ever written, but this is a poem that came to me on Day 65 of my daily gratitude regiment I do ritually. This poem sprung upon me like a dam bursting ready for the water to just pour out, and I effortlessly let the words come out. This particular poem is a dedication to the important and significance of Sound. For most of us, we are coming to realize the world needs to been similar to how Nikola Tesla would describe as "Frequency and Vibration." Much of what we call sound is based off of these forces. We are learning that sound and light are in a state of frequency and vibration for us to perceive it, and our body is limited to a degree on what it is capable of perceiving. Creation creates creativity, and it is my privilege to be a part of the sound of Creation, while also dedicating this poem to the Sounds of All Things and that some may called "No Thing."


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