How K-POP Has Changed Everyone's Lives  

How K-POP Has Changed Everyone's Lives

Author: Simrat Thind

In this podcast Simrat will be talking about How K-POP Has Changed Everyone's Lives. She also will be talking about how she became a K-POP fan in 2019 and how it has affected her so much and do not forget to Love Yourself, Speak Yourself, and Be Yourself.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Stories for Kids

Contact email: Get it

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Love Yourself, Speak Yourself, and Be Yourself
Monday, 22 March, 2021

Simrat talks about how she was bullied in school before K-POP existed and now she is so happy that K-POP has come in her life and taught her such a beautiful message on Loving Yourself, Speaking Yourself, and Being Yourself.


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