Brand Ballers - Beautiful, Uncomplicated Websites and Marketing  

Brand Ballers - Beautiful, Uncomplicated Websites and Marketing

Author: Michael Miello

Ready for raw, real-life talk about building your own freelance business? In each episode, we try to provide an honest glimpse into actions weve taken to build our freelance career as a web designer and video story teller. Our aim is to make our episodes short and digestible that sparks actions to build up your 1) reputation 2) exposure to clients and 3) productivity. These are the key ingredients to becoming a Brand Baller, which even we havent reached. So join us for the ride and lets grow together.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Marketing

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Presentation nerves
Wednesday, 30 October, 2019

We all get them we have to speak in front of others. What if you just set the right tone from the beginning. Maybe it makes everything else roll smoother


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