Uniformed Reality  

Uniformed Reality

The police perspective.

Author: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department

What do you think of when you hear the words, police officer? Odds are, the person next to you will think of something different. We all view reality through different lenses, and sharing experiences is what creates unity. We are police officers, and most of the time you hear our stories from someone else. We hear them, too, and they sound so stereotypical. Well, this is us. Were telling our stories here, and this Uniformed Reality may not be as uniform as you think.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers, True Crime

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The Reality of a Civilian in the Police Force
Episode 8
Wednesday, 23 December, 2020

We only meant to sit down to record a new intro. One thing led to another, and this episode from the perspective of a civilian in the police force was spawned. Have any questions or comments for the host or guests? Send us an email at  See what a career at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police department looks like: 


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