The Gospel of Fatherhood  

The Gospel of Fatherhood

Author: Khrystopher Ramirez

Khrys, husband and father, constantly in pursuit of his niche in leadership. Through a lot of meditation and conversation, he came to the understanding that raising his daughter is the only position of influence that is unique to him. Which led him to this - The Gospel of Fatherhood. This podcast is a platform where Khrys & others talk about all that they are currently learning in regards to fatherhood. On this show, you will hear points of: advice, encouragement, success stories, and moments of failure, that will all be learning opportunities. New episodes will be posted every other Monday.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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Kenzel's Story
Episode 9
Thursday, 7 January, 2021

In this episode of "The Gospel of Fatherhood" Khrys will be concluding our series "Greatest Lessons." We will be taking a deep dive into the story of Kenzel James Ramirez, Khrys and his wife Kd's son that underwent open-heart surgery at 6 days of age. For Khrys and his family this was an extremely painful situation to go through, but with grateful hearts we celebrate the successful outcome of the surgery. As we conclude this series, we get to hear the lessons that Khrys has learned throughout this entire process.


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