Moms Letting Go Without Giving Up  

Moms Letting Go Without Giving Up

Author: Michelle Weidenbenner

If you're the mom of addicted loved one and need help understand what's happening to your child, or how to recover from the addiction chaos, join us here for support. As the mother of a recovering addict, I've spent years trying to cope with this devastating disease. I used to search for others to help me, but couldn't find what I was looking for. Now I'm focused on comforting moms, like you, by sharing what I needed -- bringing you hope and a way to recapture you. @ChiefHopeBuilder
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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Day 17: Open Your Eyes with Lucretia
Friday, 2 June, 2023

Your eyes can only see and our ears can only hear what our brain is looking for. --Dan Sullivan Embrace your faith. That's where we find hope. What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail and if God was counting on you to fulfill your boon? List your fears. What five things will you look at differently? What five things will you stop looking for? To buy the book: ⁠GO HERE.⁠ To join our support group: ⁠GO HERE⁠. To learn how to LISTEN to UNDERSTAND: ⁠Watch my YouTube TEDx⁠ Watch TEDx YouTube video on ⁠HOW TO STOP THE STIGMA⁠


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