Ham Radio 360  

Ham Radio 360

Author: Cale Nelson

Exploring the Hobby in Every Direction
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Language: en-us

Genres: Technology

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The End of the Beginning…
Monday, 26 February, 2018

Thank You Very Much for listening to the Ham Radio 360 Podcast. In this real quick, last episode, I take the opportunity to 'say' good-bye. I appreciate the opportunity to have served you and the Amateur Radio Community over these last few years. 73 Y'all Caleb (Cale) Nelson/K4CDN 2-10-18 Friends, In 2011 I achieved a nearly lifelong goal; I became an Amateur Radio Operator. In 2014 I began, as a means to scratch an itch, an Amateur Radio Podcast. The podcast, then named ‘Fo Time’ was never supposed to succeed. I had no intention of releasing any more than 5 to 10 programs. Almost 4 years later, 90+ shows, and over a 3/4 million downloads, I’m still wondering how I got here. Through that time, I was a small part of promoting the Amateur Radio Hobby via the medium of podcasting. What began as an experiment soon became a platform for a New Ham Operator to learn the ropes. Along the journey I was blessed with the opportunity to connect with and learn from some of the most brilliant and entertaining people on the planet. I have been continually astounded by my listening audience and their contribution to the efforts of what became the Ham Radio 360 Podcast and brand. Not only was I afforded the opportunity to learn from the best, I was able to share in those experiences with many others as the brand’s influence grew. Additionally the platform allowed other programs to be birthed for the good of the hobby that will continue to educate and entertain the masses. However, I began to realize just how much of me it took to produce quality content and maintain the brand. In October of 2017 I took a break from my regular show production with a promise to return in 2018. I upheld that promise but soon realized that the continued pressure to perform and create was more than I was willing to maintain anymore. With that understanding I have decided to discontinue, in it’s entirety, the Ham Radio 360 Podcast. I plan to maintain the Website and Podcast Feed of past shows and content as a contribution to the Amateur Radio Hobby. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to have served you and the wonderful Amateur Radio Hobby. Gratefully yours, Cale Nelson/K4CDN 73 Y’all


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