The Rick Rockhill Podcast  

The Rick Rockhill Podcast

Rick is passionate about healthy living for people and pets. He shares his inside knowledge of the pet food industry and expertise in dog & cat food nutrition t

Author: Rick Rockhill

Over 1 million people read Rick Rockhill's blog, which he started in 2006. His podcast and radio show features a wide range of topics from pet food nutrition, animal advocacy, self-improvement, and philanthropy. Rick has interviewed numerous experts including psychologists, therapists, animal nutritionists, veterinary healthcare, human medicine, and business leaders, as well as celebrities in the world of film, stage and television. Rick is an avid world traveler and spends most of his time in Palm Springs, California. Mr Rockhill is a seasoned business executive with 30 years experience in the pet food nutrition industry, product development, innovation, brand management and innovation. The past 25 years he has worked in the Pet Food industry. Rick is COO & Partner at Breeder's Choice Pet Foods & Lucy Pet Products. He previously served as Chairman, RJT Holdings Limited (Hong Kong) and was the Founder of Zarhill Partners Group Consulting (Burbank, CA). He shares his home with a Standard Poodle and a miniature Labradoodle rescue. Rick speaks regularly at conferences and seminars worldwide. Blog: Follow on Twitter @RickRockhill Pinterest:
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

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30 Minutes: Healthy Living Diabetes: Tandem X2 Insulin Pump & Dexcom G6 CGM
Episode 1207
Sunday, 16 February, 2020

Abbreviated Podcast Version: This is a shortened podcast on this topic. Anyone who has Type 1 Diabetes knows what a struggle it can be. It is a manageable condition but requires exceptional discipline, constant monitoring of blood glucose levels and planning. Staying healthy as a Type 1 Diabetic is a full time job in and of itself.  It also requires knowledge of the food we eat, how it is digested and how it converts to carbohydrates.  While diabetes has common traits, it also can vary from person to person depending on many factors, including weight, stress, general health, sleep cycles, diet, and general health. Even our insulin sensitivity can vary. Having access to technology such as a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and an insulin pump can be the difference between getting by and living as a healthy diabetic. As a user of the Tandem X2 Insulin Pump & Dexcom G6 CGM I can honestly say it changed my life.  A few years ago when I discovered I required insulin to stay alive, it seemed like a devastating diagnosis. I was in denial, shock, and felt depressed. Once I got past those feelings I learned it can be managed. However I am one of the lucky ones, I had a close friend who is a Pharmacist with a specialty in diabetes management. Although he hadn't planned to, he became a personal coach and taught me so much. During this podcast I will share what I learned, and my own experiences on this journey as a Type 1 Diabetic. I am not an expert, but this podcast is intended to provide hope and support to anyone struggling with diabetes. My one tip to everyone is always insist on seeing an endocrinologist. You deserve an expert who understands your whole system. I'll share my story in this episode.


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