Common Europeans  

Common Europeans

Author: Common Europeans

The Common Europeans is a podcast from Europeans, about Europeans, for Europeans. The only podcast about the Common Europeans. Our goal is to introduce the Common Europeans ,their stories and talk about their journey of becoming European. We believe that here in Europe we do share common values, beliefs, identity and some other characteristics. We will be more than happy if you will set on the journey of discovering those traits with us.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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6th episode of the Common Europeans podcast with Tatiana Volkodav
Thursday, 31 December, 2020

1:30 - 2:10 Tatiana tells why cross cultural psychology is so important for her. 4:30 - 5:15 Can the sentence “you look like German” be perceived as compliment? 5:30 - 7:00 What are the differences between Germans and Russians in regards to their punctuality? And what are the actual differences between Russians themselves? 9:00 - 11:00 How does the entitlement looks like in the context of Europeans 12:20 - 13:20 What does the happiness index tell us about the Scandinavian countries? 13:45 - 14:30 Was there any moment in Tatiana's life where she was thinking of Europe as her home? 15:45 - 16:30 What positive effects might Covid-19 have on Europeans? 18:00 - 19:30 What are the biggest cultural differences between the US and Europe? 20:00 - 20:40 Tatiana shares her opinion on times that we are currently living in and the pace of the era that many people struggle to cope with. 20:50 - 24:10 What are the characteristics of someone that we might consider as European?What was the most shocking discovery for Tatiana during her research and what have all Europeans common in regards to their humor style? 25:00 - 29:30 Why is the European Union important for the Common Europeans? Is the European Union going to collapse? 31:00 - 34:00 What are the biggest advantages of having multiple identities in the cultural context? 35:30 - 37:00 What is the most important thing that Tatiana relates to the common European identity? 37:30 - 40:00 What is Tatiana´s funniest memory that she can relate to Europe? 40:00 - 43:00 Tatiana talks about her vision of Europe in 10 years. 44:00 - 48:00 The Russian contribution to the European heritage can be traced throughout the history of the European continent.


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