Simply Balanced with Taylor GrassoAuthor: Taylor Grasso, MPPD, RD
Simply Balanced is the podcast where we talk, well, all things balanced. Taylor Grasso, a registered dietitian, has a passion for helping you find your unique balanced girl aesthetic in this often hectic world. Each episode we'll explore different facets of living a balanced life, whether it's unraveling the latest nutrition trends, diving into sober curiosity, or even talking about cycle syncing - we'll hit it all. If you're looking for a podcast that makes these topics feel like a FaceTime with a bestie, you've come to the right place. Language: en Genres: Health & Fitness, Nutrition Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Burnout to Balance: You Might be Doing Too Much
Episode 26
Thursday, 5 December, 2024
This episode was inspired by an article that I saw from the Today show about a woman who felt like "she was doing everything right, but not losing the weight." I think more than one woman can relate to that feeling. The more that I've thrown myself into learning about women's health, hormones and PCOS the more I realize that women aren't tiny men and our bodies handle stress and stress responses different from men which is why "eating less and moving more" does not always work. Leading into January 1st I wanted to leave you with this thought process so that you don't feel like you have to jump into a new crazy diet. :) love ya! It's Not You, It's Dieting FREE Course Power over PCOS waitlist 1x1 coaching application