The Roaring Heads PodcastAuthor: Grant Giles
Grant Giles is a clinical hypnotherapist and strategic psychotherapist, he is also a level 3 high performance triathlon coach with 23 years experience, a former professional triathlete with a passion for all things sport, mind and life. Grant takes you on a journey to a place far beyond our minds reach to discover the master key to all doors both in life and in sport. Grant loves to unpick the locks that appear to keep us limited through the patterns of thinking and belief. Grant moves us from contraction to expansion, from limitation to the unlimited via the natural and original source of human potential called conscious awareness, which the mind, thinking and belief appear in.Tune in for Grant's musings and interviews with athletes, coaches and psychology professionals each week. Language: en-au Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Sports Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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RH Episode #42- Bring The Pain Home
Sunday, 9 June, 2024
This podcast is devoted to our companion pain. There is an exhaustive list of the ways we have been taught to disassociate from pain.We are experts at resisting what we don't want to feel. Problem with that is, because we are resisting pain, we resist allowing our experience when we are involved in something that is creating pain. If you are resisting pain in your training, you are resisting chunks of your training. As a consequence, you will find yourself resisting large chunks of your racing.Its a conundrum that most athletes don't want to look at. So I'm here to draw you attention to it because it is also a huge area for opportunity, growth and expansion as an athlete and as a human. If you can learn to bring your pain home, your inner fracture during training and races will cease. This one is about meeting your pain and discomfort. Learning how to stay present and attentive to your process while you are experiencing pain. Learning how to allow your pain its place. Allowing it to empower you rather than having it siphon all your energy into victimhood. Dive in.Gilesy.Support the showGrants Website