Digital Film School - for iPod/iPhone  

Digital Film School - for iPod/iPhone

Author: The Open University

Have you ever wanted to pick up a video camera and make a short video or film, but felt intimidated by your lack of knowledge? The explosion of film-making for websites and mobiles gives people and organisations the opportunity to tell their stories and show what they have to offer, at low cost. This collection of exciting videos features The Open Universitys experienced team of filmmakers, who will show you some of the craft secrets that underpin good filmmaking, and how professionals stay up to date. You will learn the basics of editing, how to conduct an interview, the role of the producer and other crew members and how to archive your finished project. This material forms part of The Open University course T156 Digital film school.
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Language: en

Genres: Courses, Education, Technology

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The Magic of Filmmaking
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011

The T156 team gets creative and shows you how Mary's life has changed since discovering The Magic of Filmmaking.


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