Healing X Outreach: Where X-Cultists Speak Out!  

Healing X Outreach: Where X-Cultists Speak Out!

Former Jehovah's Witness Gus Astacio interviews former cultists, scholars, hosts debates weekly

Author: Healing X Outreach Radio

Healing X Outreach radio is an apologetics countercult based podcast ministry! We interview scholars, former cultists, and host moderated timed debates on important theological issues striking the Christian church today! We are listener supported radio! We are a ministry affiliate of EMNR (Evangelical Ministries to New Religions find out more at
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Language: en

Genres: Religion, Religion & Spirituality

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HXO Forum: A Critical Examination of the OT Text: Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek?
Episode 91
Saturday, 19 January, 2019

1/19/19 Saturday 1pm ET/12pm CTRL/11am MTN/10am Pac Call in and listen, share comments or ask questions at 1-347-934-0379 or online at:   Our Panel is on the topic of which is the oldest text of the Old Testament? Is the Aramaic Peshitta, The Hebrew Masoretic, or Greek Septuagint the oldest text and the bible which Jesus would have read from? Our panel consists of: David Withun is and Army veteran & member of the Melkite Catholic Church (Orthodox by communion) he teaches at Savannah Classical Academy in Savannah, GA, and a PhD student at Faulkner University. He blogs frequently at William Albrecht has a B.A. in theology and is a member of the Catholic apostolate, the Catholic Legate. You can find out more about him at: 


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