And Now The Hard Part  

And Now The Hard Part

Each week we look at one of the worlds toughest problems and suggest a way forwardall in under 30 minutes.

Author: Foreign Policy

The world is a particularly confusing and daunting place these days: Russian bots, North Korean nukes, trade wars and climate emergencies. To understand it better, Foreign Policy and the Brookings Institution are teaming up for an 8-part podcast series. On each episode, host Jonathan Tepperman and a guest from Brookings discuss one of the worlds most vexing problems and trace its origins. And then, the hard part: Tepperman asks the guest to focus on plausible, actionable ways forward. Jonathan Tepperman, Foreign Policys editor in chief, hosts the podcast. The guests are some of the smartest and most experienced analysts aroundall scholars from the Brookings Institution, including former government and intelligence officials.
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary, Politics

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How to Reverse the Global Drift Toward Authoritarianism
Monday, 11 November, 2019

Autocrats and populists are on the march around the world, including in European countries that were seen until recently as firmly in the democratic camp. The phenomenon, coupled with the deepening of authoritarian tendencies in already-repressive Russia and China, has prompted worries that liberalism itself may be waning. This week on And Now the Hard Part, we trace the roots of the problem and talk about how to fix it. “As we emerged from the Cold War, I think there was a legitimate reason for us to believe that … democracy would be institutionalized around the globe,” said John Allen, a retired four-star general and the president of the Brookings Institution.  “[But] in the last few years, we have seen a real slip … in the context of both the attractiveness of democracy and the endurance of democratic institutions.” Allen is our guest on the podcast this week. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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