Thought Garden - Personal Growth In Nature  

Thought Garden - Personal Growth In Nature

Author: Rachel Woods

Join me in the garden... An allotment of rich thinking, coaching, sharing, discussing and debating. Lessons from nature which has much to teach us. Ponderings from inspiring humans who have much to share.
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Language: en

Genres: Science, Social Sciences

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Clowning ... Seriously.
Episode 27
Wednesday, 8 June, 2022

Angie Wakeman is a former Nurse and Steiner Teacher. Her 3 adopted children paved her way to finding clowning, where she discovered her own need for playfulness and freedom.  Having trained as a clown facilitator, she went on to facilitate Clowning workshops for medical students at the University of East Anglia for a number of years.  Her interest in clowning is only really to do with love; which in essence she sees as the freedom to be ourselves, which turns out to be funny and beautiful, or not at all funny, but  still beautiful. Take notice of the world with eyes of  innocence wonder awe and reverence. In this strong relationship, your inner world meets the mystery and invites you to play. It doesn’t matter what you look like in clowning, it matters more how you feel. Find Angie at and connect with her on LinkedIn at 


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