The Rodgers Brief  

The Rodgers Brief

Author: Adam Rodgers

This podcast features analysis of current Canadian legal news, and stories with important legal angles. Previous episodes covered the Nova Scotia Mass Casualty Inquiry proceedings, arising out of the tragic events of April 18-19, 2020 in Portapique and other locations throughout Central Nova Scotia. Adam Rodgers has been a leading Nova Scotian litigation and criminal defense lawyer, as well as a business and political advisor, for 15 years. He has represented clients on many ground-breaking and prominent cases, including his most recent responsibilities with the Desmond Fatality Inquiry.
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary

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Dispersing the Fog – Episode 5 – Federal Election Call, 764, Adolescence, & The State of Local Media with guest Andrew Douglas from Frank Magazine NS
Sunday, 23 March, 2025

This week, Paul Palango and Adam Rodgers discuss the Federal election, which was called the day this podcast was recorded, and what to expect over the next few weeks of campaigning. The hit Netflix show, Adolescence, has been drawing interest for its portrayal of what might cause a young boy to commit serious violent offences. That same theme has been covered by the Fifth Estate in a story in Canada about online luring and the harms that result. We discuss the RCMP's capacity and willingness to confront these new types of crimes in Canada.We then welcome Frank Magazine's Andrew Douglas to fill us in on some stories that he has been covering (and often breaking), including the recent drug-related murder in Sydney, NS. Andrew also brings his perspective on the state of local media in Nova Scotia, how Frank Magazine NS has been able to thrive, and why the public is underserved by the current model.


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