What Music Means to Me  

What Music Means to Me

Veteran music educator and composer shares his thoughts on the intersection of music and living.

Author: Scott Watson

This podcast explores how music and life intersect: how music affects life and life affects music. As a music teacher, I discover these connections all the time and I thought others might be interested in hearing about them.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Music

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Intersection of Life and Music
Thursday, 14 September, 2017

The premise of this podcast is that there are all sorts of connections between music and life. In each episode I have shared observations about some of these connections. The idea of making connections between music and life, of being a musician whose musical life is integrated into his broader life, is something I learned from my teacher and mentor, Dr. Ken Laudermilch. In the preface to his very excellent book, An Understandable Approach to Musical Expression, Ken explains that his goal is “to identify musical concepts that enhance or beautify our music making. It is, in a very real sense, a search for truth.” I don’t think it is an exaggeration that truth about life can be seen in music.


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