The STEMusic Podcast  

The STEMusic Podcast

Author: Roy Moye III

A Podcast highlighting multicultural professionals within the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) industry and the music they love.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers

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Episode 28: Lisa Teachman [Chief Meteorologist]
Episode 28
Tuesday, 11 March, 2025

Happy Women's History Month!Episode 28 of the STEMusic Podcast Features Chief Meteorologist of the KSN Storm Track 3 Weather Team Lisa Teachman. Lisa shares how severe weather ushered in her interest for meteorology and how Kansas tornados along with a high school internship set her on her path to her current position. Throughout her episode we discuss her journey as a woman in STEM as well as her love for giving back to her community. We conclude her episode talking about two songs she enjoys, honoring her late mother, and grooving to the STEMusic Jingle I made up based on the word "Meteorology" that she gave me. You don't want to miss this episode!Be sure to subscribe to this channel to be notified about all future STEMusic Podcast Episodes! Follow STEMusic on Social MediaInstagram: @thestemusic Facebook: The STEMusicTik Tok: @stemusicnation Website: 28 Time Stamps2:33 - How Lisa got into STEM4:42 - Tornados in Kansas8:40 - Interning with the weather team at 1616:00 - Starting her Weather career at KSN22:10 - The Joplin Tornado (Why the news is there after a disaster)29:50 - What to do in a natural disaster (tornado)34:15 - Weather Radar Shoes39:31 - Becoming the Chief Meteorologist for KSN43: 20 - Giving back to the community/next generation45:26 - Women in Weather (Mentors & Role Models)51:45 - Talking Music56:00 - Honoring her Mother (Linda)58:53 - STEMusic Jingle "Meteorology"1:04:55 - Final Advice


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