Queen of Freaks  

Queen of Freaks

Author: Fallen Angel Z Sings

Welcome to the world of Freak Pride. If your a freak embrace it. Being a freak, being different is what Makes You, You. Don't let social barriers stop you. Live by your own rules. As long as you are not breaking any serious laws then you are free to do whatever you want. Remember the world is changing, be the change that the world needs, not the change that everyone wants.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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Freak Pride Introduction
Monday, 19 August, 2019

Welcome to the world of Freak Pride. If your a freak embrace it. Being a freak, being different is what Makes You, You. Don't let social barriers stop you. Live by your own rules. As long as you are not breaking any serious laws then you are free to do whatever you want. Remember the world is changing, be the change that the world needs, not the change that everyone wants.


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