The White Light Channel  

The White Light Channel

Author: Jess Lee Williams

Spirituality, intuition and connection combined with grounded practical steps to move towards the life you truly desire. A podcast by Jess Lee Williams, an Intuitive Life Coach, Creative and Energy Worker.
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Episode 16: Embodiment, Pleasure and Accessing the 5th Dimension Through Our Bodies
Episode 16
Wednesday, 24 June, 2020

A deep, juicy and enlightening chat absolutely filled with GOLD! Dee Light, author of The Gorgeous Revolution, and founder of Light & Co, her energetic consultancy and  CEO of Manifesto of Light, a high frequency company she established with her natural perfumer husband, Clive. She has been around the sun many times and now well into her seventh decade is finally speaking her truth.  Having been around all things energetic since the 1980’s, she has the capacity to take highly complicated concepts, simplify them, and break them down into digestible chunks that can propel us forward in our lives at this time.  No wilting lily, she doesn’t hold back, simply because we don’t have time.  Refreshing, sometimes funny, and sometimes searingly direct, her words land with impact, she is just getting going.  In her words, let the rubber now hit the road! Connect with Dee at @manifestooflight


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