Buzzzn QC  

Buzzzn QC

Author: Q. Nicole and Chyn

Whats Buzzzn with QC is a bold, but light-hearted social commentary between two longtime friends, Q & Chyn - two women running a home and multiple businesses. The podcast tackles topics such as human trafficking, anxiety mental health, faith, relationships & any other topics Buzzzn in the QC! Our show aims to inspire & mobilize our audience to take charge of their lives & to become their best self.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship

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"The Price of Silence". What Should We Consider When Raising Our Kids.
Episode 7
Monday, 13 April, 2020

Man - what is the perfect formula for raising children in this society?  Q & Chyncia discuss controversial topics that arise often when raising children in this society.   At what age do you approach the topic of sexual orientation with children?  Are you okay with sleepovers?  Hear the ladies chat about their thoughts surrounding these hot topics.


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