Finding The Unseen Force  

Finding The Unseen Force


Ever came up with the thought of asking why everyone says that god bless you or everything happens according to a plan ! Yupp! that's the only reason I am starting the journey to find faith in humans and also to find what unseen force is implementing tha plans he/she /it has made for us homosapiens Every episode is designed and related to faith and proof. it may in form of plain inspiration and improvement game - whether to health, career guidance or lifestyle ,each of the podcast would help you and especially those finding answers.
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Language: hi

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

Contact email: Get it

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Myth buster
Episode 2
Wednesday, 20 May, 2020

This episode deals with allthe myth busters and superstition that come in the oath of a religious person. Being atheist gives you freedom from all the malicious thoughts that priest and guru fill your mind and heart with . The only way I consider true is faith in humans rather than being a superstitious religious human


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