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Author: David

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Marketing Ideas for Cash Strapped Start-ups
Episode 1
Friday, 13 December, 2019

When you first start your business you’re not likely bringing in the big bucks and probably won’t be for some time. The single most important thing you need is cash flow, if you’re not making money you’re not in business. In order to have cash flow you need marketing and sales, however what if you don’t have money to push a big marketing campaign? Probably the best thing you can do early on is GOOD WORK! If you do good work customers talk and word of mouth is the single biggest form of marketing. Make sure to capture testimonials and feedback and post it where new customers will see it. Another great way to expand your reach is finding and leveraging partnerships with businesses in similar verticals or business sectors. Not only are you able to take advantage of their audience but you are able to grow and bounce ideas around, often times finding middle grounds where you both can benefit. An often overlooked source of business generation is networking. Organizations like the Chamber of Commerce are filled with business owners from all levels, many who will likely need your service. Make sure to come packing business cards, I would recommend investing in really good cards as initial perception goes far. When choosing events to attend, make sure that you pick ones that are relevant and will have the correct audience attending. Take advantage of any free channels of marketing. This means social media platforms, google my business, and directories. It is super easy to create a page on any social media platform and start reaching out to customers or at least developing some kind of presence.


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