Dr. Michael Likey's Four Fold Path  

Dr. Michael Likey's Four Fold Path

Dr. Michael Likey discusses the Four Fold Path to Enlightenment, necessary for discovering one's Soul Purpose; it is based on his current book.

Author: Dr- Michael Likeys Four Fold Path

Dr. Likey discusses the Four Fold Path to Enlightenment, necessary for discovering one's Soul Purpose; it is based on his current book of the same name. Rev. Dr. Michael H. Likey is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Doctor of Theocentric Psychology Specializing in Scientific Prayer, Doctor of Divinity Specializing in Spiritual Healing, Doctor of Philosophy Specializing in Mystical Research, Author of numerous self-help books including "Spiritual Mind-Science" and CEO/Spiritual Director of Michael's International Spiritual-Light Centre. Visit Dr. Michael here: "REV. DR. MICHAEL IS AN AMAZING HOST OF HIS PODCAST. I HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING A GUEST ON HIS SHOW AND WAS TOUCHED BY HIS INSIGHT IN THE HISTORY OF SPIRITUALITY, RELATIONSHIPS DYNAMICS AS WELL AS HIS DEEP KNOWLEDGE OF THE HUMAN SOUL. I TRULY BELIEVE THAT DR. MICHAEL IS PROVIDING A GREAT SHOW THAT CAN HELP PEOPLE IN THEIR PERSONAL GROWTH AND SPIRITUAL SEARCH."-MILENA CERIN
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Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Conclusion: The Four Fold Path to Enlightenment
Episode 16
Friday, 4 January, 2019

Dr. Michael Likey concludes the series The Four Fold Path to Enlightenment on today's show. This series/podcast is based on his book, The Four Fold Path to Enlightenment from  Visit Dr. Likey at his new home-on-the-web:


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