Book Of Stephon PodcastThe Official Podcast of the Book Of Stephon... Wo Author: Le Roi Stephon
The Official Podcast of the Book Of Stephon... Woah!!! Tune In!!! Le Podcast Officiel du Livre de Stephon... Woahhh!!! Se Mettre A L'Ecoute.... Language: en Genres: Government Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Islam Vs The World... #AUDIOBLAST
Tuesday, 21 November, 2017
The United States' war against #ISLAM is coming to a #CLIMAX... The United States' lies, propaganda and false-flag terror are about to lead the whole world to war with #ISLAM.. Because the nations of the Earth are not built on the right foundation, the Laws of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and they are all together wicked and rebellious and believe lies rather than the truth, they will strike out to kill Muslims because of the obligation of war treaty and what lies the United States tells them. If the nations were built on the right foundation, they would not be able to be manipulated into error like this. The United States plans to use the destruction of a college football field as a rallying point for a world effort against #ISLAM. But God's children will not be moved by the lies to murder, because those that obey the commandments of Jesus Christ know the truth and are free from lies... Muslims are God's most fertile sheep.. Jesus said feed my sheep, feed my lambs, and God's children will, but his enemies will try and kill his best sheep.. This is a test of the faith of the world.. Are you a child of God or an enemy? Your treatment of Muslims will determine this! Jn 8:47 says that those that belong to God, hear what God says; and when they hear it they obey it because faith, hearing God, doesn't count if you don't obey. The good shepherd will feed the sheep; the wolves will try and feast on the sheep! The many of the members of the Body of Christ are about to forfeit their position in Christ through the violence they thrust upon God's most prized sheep.