Total Knee Tips & Pearls From Dr. Adam Rosen (A Virtual Total Knee Fellowship Podcast)  

Total Knee Tips & Pearls From Dr. Adam Rosen (A Virtual Total Knee Fellowship Podcast)

Author: Dr. Adam Rosen

Dr. Adam Rosen is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in total joint replacement. He created this podcast which is aimed at interns, residents, fellows, and general orthopedists who are looking to dive into the details of total knee replacements, hip replacement, and classic articles.Be sure to check out my YouTube page: This is my opinion. Any information gathered is not medical education. Practitioners need to use their education and experience to determine how to treat their own patients.)
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, Health & Fitness, Medicine

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Episode 46
Friday, 10 June, 2022

I am going to cover some of the things I consider when approaching Uni'sPlease take the time to leave a review and subscribe.Stay safe. Support the show


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