BlueSense Podcast  

BlueSense Podcast

Author: BlueSense

We publish a new podcast bi-weekly to help startup founders startup teams thrive. The series is tailored towards helping you build your startup from scratch to IPO; giving you the tools you your team need to thrive in entrepreneurship leadership. We occasionally host startup founders, Growth experts leaders who share tips for building products, product-market-fit, growth hacks more. If you would like to comment or give feedback on this series, please email our inbox at
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Business, Management

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10: Interview with Stears Chief of Staff - Matinat Ajeigbe
Episode 10
Thursday, 6 July, 2023

In this episode, we talk with the Chief of Staff of Stears - Matinat Ajeigbe on some challenges with building a leading research and intelligence house in Africa; the company's growth, the challenges in her role as CoS and some hurdles ahead - including Stears' strategy for covering the 2023 Nigerian Elections. Stears' is on a mission is to become the world's most trusted source of African data, insight and data collection tools for businesses, financial and policy professionals.


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