Triple A-OK  

Triple A-OK

Author: Triple A-OK

Gather around your electronic audio-enabled device and become a part of the conversation. Join a new group of friends as they break down gaming, movies, comics and the larger geek culture into everyday speak.
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Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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Games of the 8th Generation
Episode 96
Friday, 6 November, 2020

Settle in for a passionate and bodacious evening (we release in the morning actually) for three young men talking sensually about video games that are so good that they can't quit.  In this episode: The Three talk about their choices of video games that defined the 8th generation of video game consoles. Also known as industry-defining games from the era of PS4, Xbox One, and Switch. Starring: Craig Terry, Victor Aparicio, and Aaron Dehmlow. Music: Bit Symphony - roljui To be a part of the show, email us at Visit our YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram for more SpeakGeeky. Subscribe to the show on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, and major platforms!


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