Family Prosperity PodcastA guide to growing and preserving your family's success forever Author: Family Prosperity Partners
This is a podcast that is dedicated to helping bring families to life. Where most contributors talk jsut about making money, we will talk about how to take care of the people and the dollars. There is an emphasis on creating dynasty wealth. Language: en-us Genres: Business, Kids & Family Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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When To Split Up
Episode 49
Friday, 20 November, 2020
In this podcast, Mason talks about how to split up without falling apart or turning everything into one big bureaucracy. At some point, you can't bring everything to the meeting table. Your family will be dealing with multiple businesses, households, and events. Walking the tightrope between becoming disconnected and getting overwhelmed is almost impossible. For family boards, there are some rule-of-thumb that work really well to find out whether you need to split off, and how much to do so. If you can stay focused on your top-line objectives, you won't get overwhelmed by minutia. At the same time, when you do decide to create a new committee, move into a new home, or start a new business, you can't cut people out of the loop. FOLLOW Family Prosperity Partners everywhere: Facebook: Business Page: Public Group for Families: Private Group for Clients: LinkedIn: Subscribe to the Podcast: Google Podcasts: Spotify: RSS Feed: