The Davina Podcast  

The Davina Podcast

Author: Davina Fear

A place for real life and real conversations where small but profound actions will move you forward in your daily life, getting to the heart of who you are and who you are becoming.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Education, Entrepreneurship, Self-Improvement

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Daily 1% x 228: Be Awesome
Wednesday, 20 July, 2022

“BE AWESOME”   A couple of years ago that 👆quote was being said everywhere   Posters were being made   It was a thing    It was trendy to have stuff that SAID: be awesome.    What does it even mean to BE AWESOME?   Let’s make a list: Know who you are Show up big Do hard things Be on fire Create epic stuff Be willing to do scary ideas Not back down Stay positive  Have courage  Don’t listen to haters Keep going   All of these are good.    Inspiring.    What about:   🌟Loving yourself even when you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning 🌟Letting yourself take a nap 🌟Noticing your body and listening to it 🌟Saying no 🌟Going to bed when you want to stay up late 🌟Turing off your phone 🌟Letting yourself be sad or mad or glad or frustrated and feeling into it on purpose  🌟Celebrating yourself 🌟Giving yourself a pat in the back 🌟Having a one person dance party when you hit that goal: big or small 🌟Taking a walk 🌟Saying yes to you 🌟Slowing down   Often, when we think of being awesome   It’s the big showy positive in-your-face types of things we consider   But   The truth is   The big showy things aren’t what make you awesome   I’m fact, YOU ARE ALREADY AWESOME.   YOU AND ME, we arrived on this planet with this tattooed on our soul:   AWESOME   Being awesome isn’t up for debate or discussion    We already are   We may not believe it   Nothing has gone wrong if you don’t believe in your own awesomeness    I didn’t believe in mine   I wanted other people to tell me about my awesomeness    I looked for it in projects and accomplishments    All of us do   Until we stop   Until we start seeing the ways we’ve hurt ourselves    And we start putting salve on those wounds   Beginning to love our already existing awesomeness   Accepting our awesomeness   Even when we do things we don’t like   It’s in how we treat our selves on the way to those big showy things that make us see and love and allow our awesomeness.    Saying I love you to yourself even when you do things you wish you hadn’t   Celebrating yourself when it seems too small   Seeing your fire for its ability to both burn AND warm   Loving yourself for all of it    Seeing your desire for quiet and aloneness AND being visionary    Not judging yourself for any of it    Seeing your emotionally messy self AND your ability to hold someone’s pain so carefully   Be willing to love both parts of you.    Seeing you desire for structure, order, control AND your ability to make things simple for others   Embracing both without shaming yourself   Seeing your all-over-the-place-thinking-and-talking AND your bubbly engaging fun self   Giving both parts a grateful hug.    This is where your awesomeness lies.    In all of it.    Stop judging you   BE YOU:   AWESOME   What are two contrasting things about you?     Ready to embrace ALL of YOU? Click here to get started.    Previosly published here. 


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