Atlanta Premier  

Atlanta Premier


Each week we sit down with various brands, industry professionals, top content creators, and esports players to discuss all things Esports and Gaming!
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EP 24 How the NFL prepared Chris Gronkowski to be CEO of Ice Shaker
Episode 1
Friday, 8 October, 2021

Owner and inventor of the Ice Shaker, Chris Gronkowski first made a career for himself as a professional football player. He joined the NFL in 2010 after being signed by the Dallas Cowboys as a fullback. During his years in the NFL, Gronkowski also played for the Indianapolis Colts and Denver Broncos. In 2016, he decided to put his entrepreneurial skills to the test when he set out to create a protein shaker bottle that would alleviate many of the issues he and other avid athletes experience with standard protein shakers. We had the chance to sit down and chat with Chris about his favorite video games, his motivations and how lessons he learned in the NFL prepared him to take on Shark Tank and start his own company.


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