Author: Joey helpish

Each episode Joey Helpish creates a song live on the podcast. Joey is an Artist Song Therapist, Teacher and Coach at Dandyland Studios, an online Studio/school/clinic he runs with his partner Kirsten (Lady Helpish) Joey has written and produced thousands of songs and written songs with and for hundreds of people. As a song Therapist he translates peoples thoughts and feelings into song as a form of validation therapy using an approach to emotional music theory he created with Kirsten called ROOT MOTIVES that is part of the Dandyland Method for song writing.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship

Contact email: Get it

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Monday, 31 July, 2023

hi buddies. before you ask. yes. a new season of how to song is in the works. yes this podcast will come back. soon. in the mean time I have a new weekly podcast and I hop you check it out.


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