Your Hidden Light PodcastAuthor: Raana Zia
Welcome to the Your Hidden Light Podcast hosted by Raana Zia. The purpose of this podcast is to support, uplift, and guide spiritually minded people through times of uncertainty. Be inspired and strengthened by following simple strategies on how to become more powerful manifestors during times of great change. Raana Zia is the author of the book Your Hidden Light: A Personal Guide to Creating Your Desired Life. Please remember to rate, review, and checkout for more information. Language: en-us Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Free Your Past
Episode 13
Tuesday, 22 June, 2021
In this episode I talk about my own experience with exploring my inner child and freeing my past. My story is not one of major trauma but of pain that we didn't know we hold from childhood which ultimately dictates our actions and behaviors as we grow older. This process of healing the inner child has proven to be of benefit as I have felt shifts within myself lately. It does not need to be a scary thing and in some ways the process is simple. I have only just begun but I hope my own experience will inspire you to go deeper within yourself to free your past even if you didn't think you needed it.