The Linguists Radio  

The Linguists Radio

Author: The Linguists Radio

Each language has a history. The linguists radio, a new platform where language lovers and experts can interact to create a network of knowledge of THE MOST HUMAN TRAIT ...Language.
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Episode 10 - A Linguist's family! - Marco Hanson
Episode 10
Monday, 22 March, 2021

Hello Linguists! Last week was my birthday and nothing brings me more happiness than knowing that more and more amazing people are interested in being here in The Linguists Radio! Today, our special guest is instructor Marco Hanson, a master license court interpreter, an American translators association certified Spanish-English translator with over 20 years of experience, and the co-owner of Texan Translation. Marco told us that he has kids going to college and they are following dad's steps by studying languages, and they have a lot of fun by having words of the day in four different languages! I definitely going to steal that! Like many of our other guests, Marco has noticed that in most of the cases, an interpreter o translator began the journey by going to college for something else and ended up in this career and he is not away from that group. His very first experience with languages was when he was a teacher of 7 years old Spanish students, and he highly recommends doing this if you are starting o practicing a new language, children have fewer problems pointing out details and misspellings, and that makes you feel so embarrassed that you really will feel motivated to get things right. We talked about how many people are bilingual o plurilingual but also, how does the "feel" of the languages is transmitted when the person you are talking to can tell you are not a native speaker, and when this happens, it doesn´t matter how good your language is, other skills are needed. Also, how important is it to be certified since once you get it, some career doors are now open. He leaves us a very useful tip, which is to work in your branding, the client that is usually monolingual does not judge us always by the way we translate or interpret but the way how we introduce ourselves as professionals.


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