Half Hour Intern  

Half Hour Intern

A podcast that explores the interesting paths peo

Author: Blake Fletcher

A podcast that explores the interesting paths people take in life, and why and how they take them. From cuddle therapists to financial advisors. New episodes every Tuesday.
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Energetic Healing (with Terje Kuusk)
Tuesday, 14 August, 2018

Do you ever feel a bit off? You can’t really put your finger on why, but you’re not quite yourself. Have you ever considered that maybe your internal energy isn’t flowing very well, or that negative energy in your surroundings is bringing you down? Today’s guest Terje Kuusk is a Reiki master practitioner (heals and fixes energy flows in the body) and practices real estate energy clearing and upgrading as well. We’ll discuss Terje’s connection to energy and how we can tap into and clear the energy around us.


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