The Thesis Review  

The Thesis Review

Each episode of The Thesis Review is a conversati

Author: Sean Welleck

Each episode of The Thesis Review is a conversation centered around a researcher's PhD thesis, giving insight into their history, revisiting older ideas, and providing a valuable perspective on how their research has evolved (or stayed the same) since.
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[48] Tianqi Chen - Scalable and Intelligent Learning Systems
Sunday, 27 October, 2024

Tianqi Chen is an Assistant Professor in the Machine Learning Department and Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University and the Chief Technologist of OctoML. His research focuses on the intersection of machine learning and systems. Tianqi's PhD thesis is titled "Scalable and Intelligent Learning Systems," which he completed in 2019 at the University of Washington. We discuss his influential work on machine learning systems, starting with the development of XGBoost,an optimized distributed gradient boosting library that has had an enormous impact in the field. We also cover his contributions to deep learning frameworks like MXNet and machine learning compilation with TVM, and connect these to modern generative AI. - Episode notes: - Follow the Thesis Review (@thesisreview) and Sean Welleck (@wellecks) on Twitter - Follow Tianqi Chen on Twitter (@tqchenml) - Support The Thesis Review at or


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