An American Voice - conservative, patriotic opinions that all Americans can agree with.  

An American Voice - conservative, patriotic opinions that all Americans can agree with.

Author: An American Voice

Please support "An American Voice" by listening to the K9 Institutes FREE training workshop and learn the secrets to training your canine that Service Dog trainers have used for ages. Please use this link for access: will talk about current events, the who, the why and most importantly our American future.  I am a staunch United States of America Patriot but I'm tired of our leaders playing the blame game. What kind of future not to mention Nation are we going to leave our kid's/grandkids? That's what we are going to do here, try to figure that out. A new partnership for "An American Voice" Their MISSION: To unite Americans to honor and restore the lives of veterans and military families through individualized, life-improving programs. PLEASE DONATE. I can be reached at comments/questions and please comment on this Podcast after you listen for marketing purposes.  Don't Forget to subscribe to the podcast See for podcast listener privacy info.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business News, Government, News

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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