Embrace Relief with Chelsea Winterholler  

Embrace Relief with Chelsea Winterholler

A Podcast to help moms embrace the relief that comes from finding emotional freedom around your childs future-and your own!

Author: Chelsea Winterholler

I am a Certified Life Coach who helps moms embrace the relief that comes from finding emotional freedom around your childs future. I have had a child die, I have a child who lives with anxiety, and I have a child who lives with a life-threatening allergy. I used to go at facing this all alone. Until I found a life coach who would help me process all of the fear I was having about my childrens futures. I got certified so I can help YOU. I know the worry. I know the fear. I know the stress that feels like it will never end. I know the sleepless nights where worst case scenarios run over and over in your brain. Not just about your childs survival, but also about just simply making it through tomorrow. I know the strain it can put on a marriage and relationships in your life. Ive felt the crippling anxiety waiting for the doctor to give me life-altering news. I know the pain of sitting in the back of an ambulance with my child in anaphylaxis. I know the aching need to help your child who cant breathe due to their anxiety of stepping out of the car. I know how you feel. I have been able to process these fears and figure out REAL steps forward for me and my children. Yes, my children as well. The tools I continue to learn and teach them have helped my son with anxiety finally stay in the classroom when he is taking a test. I have learned how to teach my other son with a life threatening allergy to stay calm when he is faced with his allergen, and stand strong when he is the only one at an event NOT eating the dessert. I have used these tools to process losing my first son, and look back on the woman who went through that with so much respect and love. We have each found real steps that are propelling us towards a better future. There will come a day when you don't spend every moment in fight mode, ready to run away and hide from the next problem. There will come a day when you can Embrace Relief. Join me on this journey to embrace the relief that comes from finding emotio
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Kids & Family, Mental Health, Parenting

Contact email: Get it

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Power In His Name
Episode 137
Friday, 14 March, 2025

This pain that you are feeling is not an accident. It is a holy space where, if you trust yourself and allow God to enter into with you, you can find more lasting relief. To find out more, follow Chelsea on instagram @winterhollercoaching


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