CAMSID radio  

CAMSID radio

Author: CAMSID

Recordings of CAMSID radio program 2020. Full list of episodes:
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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Episode 34
Episode 34
Sunday, 17 January, 2021

This episode was recorded on 5th Sep, 2020. ចូលរួមកម្មវិធីដោយ លោក ឆាន់ តឹកហុង៖ ចំណុចសំខាន់នៃកម្មវិធី តើអ្វីជាធាតុចូលកសិកម្ម? តើធាតុចូលកសិកម្មមានអ្វីខ្លះ? ផលប្រយោជន៍របស់ធាតុចូលកសិកម្ម។ Mr. Chhan Tekhong joint as guest speaker.  Main point: What is agricultural inputs?, What are agricultural inputs? Advantages of agricultural inputs.


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