NACSW Podcasts  

NACSW Podcasts

A Vital Christian Presence in Social Work

Author: North American Association of Christians in Social Work

NACSW produces a monthly podcast currently available only to members (samples to friends). In an effort to make more of our resources available to the general public, however, we are pleased to offer a free full podcast to the general public each quarter. We hope you enjoy what you hear and that you'd consider joining NACSW today.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Social Sciences

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Commissions to Complete the Mission
Friday, 16 October, 2015

Listen to this sample broadcast by Kesslyn Brade Stennis, PhD, MDiv, MSW entitled "Commissions to Complete the Mission" originally recorded on October 28th, 2013. Twenty minute audio samples of NACSW podcasts are available to anyone while the full length podcast is available to NACSW members. Podcast Summary: In this session, Kesslyn explores the commission of Christians in social worker to complete the missions to which they are called as both social workers and people of faith! The sample audio was originally published as NACSW's October, 2015 Podcast of the Month. Join NACSW today to gain access to a full version of this podcast and other great resources.


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