Ayoob Essack  

Ayoob Essack

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Author: Muslim Central

Ayoob Essack, full name is Ayyb ibn Ibrhm ibn Sulaymn Ishq. He was born in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa in 1381 A.H./1961 C.E. Qri Ayybs initial studies in Qurnic recital, fiqh, aqdah, amongst other Islamic sciences, were completed under the auspices of Sheikh Muhammad Ysuf Mulla. It was also at his hands that at the age of fourteen, he had memorized the Qurn. During this time he completed his tertiary education. Thereafter he spent a year with Sheikh Isml Katrada revising the Qurn. In 1978 C.E. he enrolled at Dr al-Ulm Falh al-Drayn in Gujarat, India. Here he gained proficiency in the Arabic language, fiqh, tafsr, hadith, philosophy, and so on. Under the expert tutelage of Qri Ans Ahmad Khn, at this madrasah, he studied tajwd and qirt. The books studied by him comprise of Urdu as well as Arabic works. They include Mifth al-Qurn, Fawide Makkiyyah, Khulsah al-Bayn, the Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah, al-Fawid al-Tajwdiyyah. Some of these books of tajwd he also read and studied by Sheikh Muhammad Abbs Dharamfri. To both, Qri Ans Ahmad and Sheikh Abbs, he read the Qurn in the narration of Hafs via the Shtibiyyah. Subsequently, he completed the study of the Shtibiyyah, the Durrah, and the Tayyibah, as well as reading the Qurn combining all the qirt contained in these works to Qri Ans Ahmad Khan. He also read all the works of Qri Ans Ahmad in tajwd and qirt. Teachers: Qri Ans Ahmad Khan he read to him the seven qirt via the Shtibiyyah, and the ten qirt via the Durrah and the Tayyibah. He also read to him many books including Nihyah al-Qoul al-Mufd of Makk Nasr Jurays, Ghayth al-Naf of Safqus, Ithf Fudal al-Bashr of Ahmad al-Bann, the Aqlah of Imam Shtib, al-Nashr of Ibn al-Jazar, al-Wujh al-Musfarrah of Mutawall and many others. The methodology adopted by Qri Ans in teaching these works were that a student read a portion of the book to him after which Qri Ans would explain all matters pertaining to the portion read regarding those issues upon which the qurr agree, those issu
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001 - Juz 01 - Q1
Monday, 1 April, 2019


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