Growth Hack Secrets  

Growth Hack Secrets

Author: Robin Copernicus

This podcast is for startup founders who want to launch the right way. There are so many better ways to launch your business than what they teach you in business school. You can study for years to get those book smarts, this podcast will give you the street smarts. This is the stuff learnt from getting punched in the face on the frontlines. Getting back up with a swift uppercut only to learn your counter punch didnt connect. But you lean in and you try again. Then you find that one combo. That combo that changes your game. That combo that obliterates every time. This is what this podcast is about. The stuff whispered among a very small percentage of the worlds finest entrepreneurs. If youre not as excited as I am, I dont know what to tell you. My name is Robin Copernicus. And this is how well grow your business with growth hack secrets.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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