Mass Affection  

Mass Affection

A husband and wife play-through of the Mass Effect games. Laughter, romance, and hijinks ensue.

Author: Chris and Jaimie Krycho

A husband and wife play-through of the Mass Effect games. Laughter, romance, and hijinks ensue. Biweekly episodes discussing plot, character, gameplaythe whole gamut!
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Language: en

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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ME2: 8 – Arrival
Episode 8
Wednesday, 3 July, 2019

An abject failure of story-telling, in every possible way. Jaimie makes bad puns and does a mean Kasumi impression. Chris rants about the horrible, no good, very bad ethics on display here. Both of them rant about the bad writing and the putting-the-characters-on-rails decisions the story team made. …but hey, at least there's a Hackett appearance? Interact! Patreon @mass_affection


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